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Coming Soon

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It takes a good self-knowledge and awareness to be able to choose at a young age a study field that will lead to a dream job in the future. More and more people change and switch career at some point of their lives either when a certain level of maturity is reached or when pursuing the chosen job becomes uninteresting.


Coaching helps you uncover what makes you vibrate and what is important for you which is crucial to be able to choose the correct study field and later on your dream job.


Some example situations which we can coach you for:


  • You cannot decide which major you want to study at University


  • You are a University student and you want to move to another study major and you want to make sure you make the right decision this time


  • You are a Ph.D. student who is not sure whether the next step to take is in Academia or in Industry


  • You are a Ph.D. student/Postdoc and you want to move to a job in Industry but you are not sure which field would suit you best


Having a job that is aligned with own mission and vision is crucial to ensure the right performance and self-satisfaction at the work floor. And even when this is achieved, other challenges keeps popping up with a world constantly changing around us. 


Coaching helps you uncover your talents and capacities, define your own mission and vision, your ultimate allies to perform and be happy in your job.


Some example situations which we can coach you for:


  • You are not satisfied with your job and your daily tasks are rather a burden but you are not sure which alternative choice to take


  • Your stress is affecting your job performance


  • You are happy in your job but having tough time dealing with newly assigned responsibilities and challenges


  • Your Company/Department is dealing with big changes and this affecting your performance at work and/or relationships with your colleagues/team


  • You are unemployed and lost in the process of getting back to the work life


  • You made your choice to change your job field but not sure which direction to chose


  • You want to start working as independent and you are slow and indecisive in the preparation process




We are living in a period of time where both work and social life are more and more time, performance and energy demanding. In every stage of our lives the circles of relationships around us change their forms and sizes and their demands as well.


Healthy relationships whether with family members, friends, partner, own kids and above all with ourselves are a crucial source of positive energy. Managing the double way interaction between events taking place at workplace and personal life is crucial to ensure an aware and responsible presence at both sides.


Coaching helps you combine and maintain a fruitful career path with a happy personal life.


Some example situations which we can coach you for:


  • You cannot manage your time at work which create frustrations and problems in your personal life due to events you miss or you arrive late for


  • You recently entered the world of parenthood and you are struggling to manage the balance between your tasks at work and at home


  • You can manage very well your job tasks and your personal life, but you never have time for yourself and it is starting to be heavy to carry


  • You drag the stress generated at work to your personal life and cannot separate both worlds


  • You cannot say no to any tasks or request asked from you at work and/or in your personal life and it is affecting your well being

Practical Info
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